Jessica Kantor
Fast Company: How former gymnast Lisa Carmen Wang created a new investment pipeline
Fast Company: COVID-19 was a disaster for organ transplants. Here’s how they’re recovering
Fast Company: Wikipedia still hasn't fixed its colossal gender gap
The PostScript: How Time Released a BIPOC-Led Special Issue
The PostScript: Stories That Matter: How Serena Daniari Is Highlighting Trans Pandemic Triumphs
The PostScript: Community-Centered: The Evolution of Journalism
The PostScript: Stay Close: A Guide to Pushing Journalism Forward
Reno-Gazette Journal: Vegas Stronger hopes to help eradicate homelessness, one person at a time
What's Next Magazine: Vegas Stronger Starts by Asking Businesses to Call Them Not Police
Next City Org: Vegas Stronger Starts by Asking Businesses to Call Them, Instead of Police
Healthcare Quarterly Magazine: First Responders & Trauma
Healthcare Quarterly Magazine: Treating Addiction
Healthcare Quarterly Magazine: Heroin: How it and Other Opiates Transcend the Social Ladder
Healthcare Quarterly Magazine: Eating Disorders May Feel Like a Crutch but That's a Dangerous Misconception